Saturday, 21 February 2015

The postcards are here

100 elegant postcards from Vistaprint for £27.27. With second class postage at 53p, each admonition will cost me 80p.

The first three are ready for Ed Balls, Evan Davis and Ed Mayo.

Here's the text:

You have been logged using the phrase ordinary people, thereby implying that you are better than ordinary. As you are a politician / journalist, that seems unlikely. Please stop using this patronising phrase.



Thursday, 19 February 2015

#4 The Holocaust

The BBC are even blaming us for the holocaust:
Why did ordinary people commit atrocities in the Holocaust?
I guess Natasha Kaplinsky's name is in the frame for this one as the reporter of record.
Image from the BBC article, link above.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


We now have Twitter Capability.

#3 Moral Maze

There was an occurrence  on BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze tonight. I believe the interviewee was from an organisation called Involve, but I didn't quite catch the name. I'll listen again.
It was Ed Mayo.
Involve has provided a transcript here.

#2 Evan Davis

Even my favourite broadcast journalist, Evan Davis, uses it. Newsnight 17th Feb.
Image from the Independent.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Postcard ordered

I have ordered 100 postcards from Vistaprint. That should do it. I will add images when they get here on the slow boat (I took the least expensive shipping option).
Ed Balls gets the first.

First sighting

I have been irritated by this for some time, but the most recent sighting and the first of the campaign
is Ed Balls on the Andrew Marr show, Sunday 15th Feb 2015.

Image from the Daily Star.

Less Ordinary

I am irritated by (mostly) politicians and (also) media-types referring to "ordinary people". I don't mind being a regular, normal, ordinary chap, but when they wield it, the phrase comes with the patronising implication that they are somehow better than ordinary. And as we have seen for a long time and especially in recent years,  politicians in particular and journalists in general tend to range from 'ordinary' downwards.
I would like to put a stop to the abuse of this phrase by those who should know better.
I might order some postcards to send to abusers.
I expect that this should be conducted through Twitter, but am not particularly skilled in that vice.
My most recent sighting was Mr. Balls on the Andrew Marr show, Sun 15 Feb 2015.